The largest number of victims were from Nova Friburgo where 287 people have died, followed by Teresopolis with 271 fatal victims. In Petropolis and Sumidoro, 56 and 19 people have died, respectively.
Furthermore, thousands of people are being displaced and left homeless as the area continues to experience torrential rains. In Petrópolis, 3,600 people were displaced and 2,800 have lost their homes. In Teresópolis, there are 960 displaced people and 1,280 homeless, while in Nova Friburgo there are 3,220 displaced and 1,970 homeless.
Around 850 members of Brazil's military forces have been deployed in the rescue efforts as Governor Sergio Cabral on Saturday visited the region of Nova Friburgo.
Meanwhile, Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly, expressed 'deep sympathy and condolences' to Brazilian President Dilma Vana Rousseff and to the residents in the affected area, the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.
Critics say that better communication between the State Civil Defense and the 92 affected municipalities could have saved hundreds of lives. Meanwhile, officials have blamed lax government safety measures regarding the construction of houses on steep slopes for the high number of victims.
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