Saturday 29 January 2011

Is it rational for Israel to believe that it can embrace the Arab minority economically, but assault it in all other ways?

What is the message that is being sent to Israel’s Arab citizens? That the civil service wants them, but their loyalty is suspect; that the high-tech industry is open to them, but they are a security threat ‏(we demonstrate this to them well at Ben-Gurion airport‏); that it’s important that they attend university, but they should play down their identity there; that they may be “colleagues” of Jews, but they will never be just “friends”; that their money is welcome in the malls, but they shouldn’t even dream of living in the adjacent neighborhoods; that they can establish businesses in an industrial zone, but will never be accepted as members of the neighboring village; that they may be leaders in their professions, but their language and culture are alien and repulsive. An Arab citizen can be the top surgeon in a hospital, but if he needs to pray, he should excuse himself and go outside to do it.

Read the article by Amnon Be’eri Sulitzeanu